Saturday, August 20, 2016

This bridge, where police arrested him on foot walking

Have you heard about this bridge were to walk where no one man can not walk? If a man said to the police to stop and walk traded. If the police catch rokdarokdai too stubborn to invest the said.

Yes, rajasthanasthita Dholpur India is such a bridge which can not pedestrian. The bridge walk is to walk in knowing the real reason. In fact, such rules were made for pedestrian suraksakai.

River Bridge, which is also the danger that the river being very deep, there are gohiharu. In the past, many people had to brave the bridge and the bridge and swim to feed the crocodile lives by committing suicide due to recent travel to walk the bridge has been restricted.

Dangerous crocodile in the River clung even hatchling found a man not likely khaihalne and Las. So they Ham committed suicide by throwing hatchling crocodile, hoping to meet in the middle of a meal, the body that go to Las trying to avoid the police may desire.

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